"Look, I'm sorry to have to ask you to take this on, I know it's not your usual area and probably isn't the most exciting thing to come your way, but I don't have much of a choice."
How motivated would you be to step up to whatever it is Susan is asking for? Wouldn't you be thinking, "Yeah that's right, this is bull, I shouldn't be asked to do this. As a matter of fact, I have more years of experience than her, so why doesn't she do it herself?"
Susan has fallen into the Delegation Apology trap. Like many leaders, she feels uncomfortable delegating to peers or even the more experienced members of her own team. That discomfort can show up as this confusing and demotivating tendency to apologize for, effectively, doing your job.
If we look at our reason for being apologetic, we're likely to discover it's mostly an attempt to manage how we look to our colleagues. We might want to appear more considerate or less authoritative. We may be doubting our credibility or authority to make this request and find ourselves falling into this trap in an effort to relieve our anxiety.
This apologetic approach often goes hand in hand with inserting vague, confusing language, which can diminish your ability to be clear about your expectations for the task. Unsurprisingly, this combination often leads to an ineffective collaboration between you and your colleague.
So what can we do instead?
First of all, we can't change a behavior if we don't know we're doing it. So we need to develop an intention to be mindfully aware—especially in situations likely to raise our anxiety. Recognizing you've fallen into this trap, even after the fact on your way home from work, is an important first step.
Once we recognize the trap, we can plan ahead for this conversation. Ask yourself how you feel about having this capable, experienced colleague helping out on this task. It probably won't take much digging to discover you feel some amount of gratitude. Think creatively about the opportunity this task might represent for your colleague. Even mundane or "thankless" tasks can reveal hidden benefits when you take the time to consider the big picture.
Just to be clear, this isn't an exercise in coming up with a way to dishonestly "spin" the story to fool your colleague into doing an undesirable task. Instead, this is an exercise in taking a constructive pause. This pause helps you notice your own anxiety-induced narrow thinking and enables you to see the situation more completely.
Let's see what that reflective pause might do for Susan's approach.
"Oscar, thank you for coming by. I understand you're going to be helping us out with the testing for this release. I'm excited to have someone with your experience on this, and I'm looking forward to working more closely with you. Getting this update out on time will make a huge difference to our clients. I'd like to walk you through the timeline we're considering."
I think we can imagine Oscar feeling a bit more energized and focused after hearing this from Susan in comparison to how he would have felt after hearing the apologetic version we looked at earlier.
Just to review, here are a few steps to keep in mind.
Notice when you're feeling anxious or having worrisome thoughts about delegating a task. The more you have invested in developing mindful awareness, the better you are going to be at this first step.
Take a step back and consider how this task contributes to larger goals for your organization. Consider how it might be a rewarding opportunity for the person you're delegating to. Recognize whatever degree of appreciation you feel for your colleague who's going to help you with this.
Let this reflection shape how you approach the delegation conversation with your colleague.
The takeaway here is not just about delegating tasks more effectively. It's about understanding how unacknowledged emotions can impact our communications. The delegation apology trap is just one example of how hidden emotions can hijack our interaction with colleagues; when we unwittingly fall into this trap, it's really our anxiety speaking, not us. Building our self-awareness of this dynamic enables more authentic and effective leadership. At the most experienced levels of any organization, leadership is as much about understanding ourselves as it is about guiding others.